sábado, 26 de outubro de 2013

REHACARE.de: Ein Rundgang über die REHACARE 2010

Enviado em 07/10/2010
Insgesamt leben in Deutschland über sieben Millionen Menschen mit Behinderung. Hinzu kommen noch weitere 17 Millionen Senioren über 65 Jahren. Viele von ihnen benötigen Hilfe, weil sie im täglichen Leben nicht alles alleine bewältigen können. Auf der REHACARE in Düsseldorf werden die neusten Trends und Entwicklungen der Branche vorgestellt.


Enviado em 07/10/2011
The Nebula XS used by a disabled child on the trade fair REHACARE. Great to see how our open-ended approach pays off!

For more info visit www.nyoyn.com
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em 2009 - Working Together: People with Disabilities and Computer Technology - em 2013 pode-se muito mais

Enviado em 08/10/2009
Assistive technology and computer applications for people with disabilities
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Assistive Technology in Action - Meet Mason

Publicado em 07/12/2012
The Family Center on Technology and Disability (FCTD) and PACER Center are pleased to announce the release of our new assistive technology awareness series, AT in Action. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), this fully-captioned video series is designed to strengthen awareness of AT devices that help individuals with disabilities participate fully in school, at home, and in the community. In this third video, you'll meet Mason, a young boy with vision loss who, with the help of AT, is able to learn reading and writing in the same classroom as his sighted peers. We invite you to view and share this video with your colleagues and the families you serve.

Learn more at:
PACER Center: www.pacer.org
FCTD: www.fctd.info
FHI 360: www.fhi360.org/

já em 2008 - tecnologia assistiva para pessoas cegas e com deficiência visual

Enviado em 15/04/2008
A definition of AT and examples of how it is used for people with disabilities. For Towson University SPED 301- Intro to Special Education
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Assistive Technology - comunicação

sexta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2013

Invisible Disabilities and Postsecondary Education

Enviado em 29/05/2009
How to accommodate students whose disabilities are not readily apparent.
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Equal Access: Universal Design of Instruction

Enviado em 29/05/2009
How to make instruction in a classroom or in a tutoring center accessible to all students.
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universal design

Enviado em 30/08/2007
michael ayala on housesmarts

2011 Assistive Technology Vendor Fair

Enviado em 18/05/2011
This annual event provides attendees with vendor exhibitions of cutting-edge technologies to support greater outcomes for students with disabilities in Ohio schools. The event showcases hardware, software and devices; hands-on opportunities; and concurrent sessions designed to increase the awareness of universally designed supports, explore new uses for existing devices, and promote collaboration among all stakeholders.

The annual event is sponsored by four of Ohio's State Support Teams, Regions 1, 2, 6 and 7, and the Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI).

The Postsecondary Transition Expo Video was created by Shirley Lauria, Communications Specialist, for the State Support Team Region 1.



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AT Network Brown Bag on CSUN Master's Degree in Assistive Technology - Extremamente Importante

Publicado em 04/05/2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Presented by: Jennifer Kalfsbeek-Goetz, CSUN College of Extended Learning

Assistive Technology Engineering (ATE) -- a degree for engineers and computer scientists. Learn how to design and manufacture assistive technology devices while earning your master's in Assistive Technology Engineering. Subject areas include product design and development, project management and robotic applications.

Assistive Technology and Human Services (ATHS) -- a degree for those who counsel or work with disabled people using assistive devices. Get the latest social, medical, legal and practical knowledge to assess their needs and find solutions that help them lead more independent lives.
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Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM): Simply Said

Publicado em 17/10/2012
The National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials and PACER Center are pleased to announce the release of our new video explaining Accessible Instructional Materials in easy to understand language. This fully-captioned video is designed to increase awareness of AIM. We invite you to view and share this video with your colleagues and the families you serve.

Understanding Assistive Technology: Simply Said

Enviado em 12/11/2010
The definition of Assistive Technology presented by the PACER Simon Technology Center www.pacer.org/stc



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Assistive Technology in Action - Meet Sam

Publicado em 07/08/2012
The Family Center on Technology and Disability (FCTD) and PACER Center are pleased to announce the release of our new assistive technology awareness series, AT in Action. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), this fully-captioned video series is designed to strengthen awareness of AT devices that help individuals with disabilities participate fully in school, at home, and in the community. In this first video, you'll meet Sam Graves, a young man with cerebral palsy who, with the help of AT, is a successful college student, blogger, and sportsman. We invite you to view and share this video with your colleagues and the families you serve.

Learn more at:
PACER Center: www.pacer.org
FCTD: www.fctd.info
FHI 360: www.fhi360.org/

SEDPcD - Planejamento - a participação da Secretaria Especial dos Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência

"Cadeiras de rodas – evolução e perspectivas» Irajá de Brito Vaz – ex-secretário da SEDPcD

“A EAD uma inovação a favor da PCD” - Profª Leomar Marchesini

BioFeed - Sistema de Apoio ao Terapeuta - 1º SEMINÁRIO DE TECNOLOGIA E ACESSIBILIDADE, IEP